2003  May


*** From My Diary ***


*From Global to Local, with the Effect of Mediation  [0524-27]

With the activity of Local Currencies, I have found how important to mediate local areas each other. As Mr. Bernard Lietaer pointed out in his speech, the utility of local currencies is limited in each area and in each object. That is not enough to support the lives of people against economic recession, which is caused by the fault of general money. Also individual activity in limited area is weak against troubles. The lack of device or internal troubles defeats their activities easily. The stimulation beyond inner group is necessary to begin and continue local activity. In ancient China, the king of China built peaceful relationship with far land to attack its neighbor land, but now it is effective to create stable relationship with neighbors.

Thanks to the development of Internet, the possibility of communication has expanded. It only enlarged the scope of communicating, but gave us the opportunities to reconstruct usual communication in limited areas. If Mr. Lietaer did not visit Kyushu, the Community Currency YURO would not existence, because his former visit had gave us the chance to meet each other. Also, without the visit of LETS freak, Mr. James, from Australia, the Community Currency FUKU in Nakatsu city would not be able to active like now. The overlap of communication, between international and local areas such as   Kyushu or Oita, increases the opportunities to meet interesting people mutually. The communicating through Internet cannot create directly human relationships that generate concrete result at once. However, it effects like enzyme indirectly. Considering the fact that life functions are regulated by enzyme, you will be able to find how important its role is! It works and rules communication at meta level.

In traditional organizations, there is little room to work for enzyme. Most of them had pursued purification to enlarge their power, and they had been more exclusive than now. The idea of overlapping among plural organizations was out of question. However, the most important task for modern organizations is cooperative relationships with others. How large and how various they connect can decide their fortune. On the other hand, the power gained by purification reaches its limit. However much money public organizations rake in, how can they do without huge waste!

When I was a clerk of Oita Prefectural Office, I found how bureaucratic society is filled with wastes. The more large and bureaucratic organizations become, the more powerful but more wasteful they will be. The original utility is alienated in such societies. Usual money like dollar and yen mediates the communication in such big organizations, but alienates human original utility. However, Local Currency will not alienate it. It does not have power like usual money but represents human utilities correctly.