Tale of Genji

The Japanese GENJI MONOGATARI, masterpiece of Japanese literature by the Lady Murasaki Shikibu, written toward the start of the 11th century. It is considered the oldest full novel in the world and one of the finest. Most of the story is concerned with the loves of Prince Genji and the different women in his life, each of whom is exquisitely delineated. The work is supremely sensitive to human emotions and the beauties of nature; but the tone darkens as it proceeds, to reflect a Buddhist conviction of the vanity of this world. The Tale of Genji, translated by Arthur Waley, was published in 1935. A new translation by Edward G. Seidensticker was published in 1976.


"Tale of Genji, The" Britannica Online.
[Accessed 25 January 1999].
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