Tobe Pottery

Historical Comic

Presentation to the U.N.

Interview with a Potter

Local Cultures

Our Team

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Historical Comic

The Comic - The History of Tobe Pottery -

People in Tobe town concerns the importance of telling the history of Tobe pottery to their younger generations, and published a comic about its rich historical and cultural heritage in 1991. And it has been distributed to schools in Tobe and sold by the town to the people who are interested. Our team found out about this comic and read it thoroughly and were impressed how easy to read, and yet well-described in details. So we visited the town office and received the permission from them and the publisher, Myojo Printing Co. to introduce this comic both in English and Japanese on the internet for the first time ever.

However, there are more than 40 pages in the comic, and it was impossible to put everything in our project. We selected some of the important years or occasions left strong influences to the history of Tobe pottery, and tried the best we could to translate the comic, and we do hope you can enjoy this not only the history of the pottery, but how people back in time used to made their living in our area.


"One day, Taro and Akko were studying about Tobe pottery at their school. Unfortunately Taro fell asleep in the middle of the class. He met Tobemaru and Akko in a dream, and they started their journey to find the history of Tobe Pottery..."

CLICK the picture to start your journey.




A pupil at an elementary school in Tobe. 11 years old.



Taro's classmate who sits next to him in their class. 11 year old.



Symbol of Tobe town.

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Tobe Pottery

Historical Comic

Presentation to the U.N.

Interview with a Potter

Local Cultures

Our Team

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