about Tohoku-Kanto Earthquake

First of all, I wish to express our thank to all the world that will never fail to call and e-mail me for asking and support the victims of Tohoku-Kanto Earthquake, especially to the Muslim people in Japan.
 AbuMahdy Sulaiman Hamanaka
facebook http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/profile.php?id=1645262932

for Earthquake Relief NGO groups
Here, we welcome any NGO's to provide humanitarian assistance to victims of Tohoku-Kanto Earthquake. To get a visa, please contact us

at +81-90-2455-6253 (by English, Urdu: Japan Islamic Trust (Otsuka Masjid Tokyo)
email info@islam.or.jp or japanislamictrust@gmail.com

or +81-90-3788-5076 (me, Islamic Website Japan)
email akira_hamanaka@yahoo.co.jp

for Earthquake Relief Donation (Japan Islamic Trust)

1.Requests for donations

Please rush your donations to Masjid Otsuka in cash or to the following bank account. Please obtain receipt if you donate in cash.

Name of Bank:   Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ Bank, Otsuka Branch, Tokyo
Account No.      FUTSU   1363828

Relief activity reports and photos (Masjid and Islamic Organization in japan)
Japan Islamic Trust (Otsuka Masjid) No.1-No.10
Japan Islamic Trust (Otsuka Masjid) No.11-20
Japan Islamic Trust (Otsuka Masjid) No.21-No.38
Japan Islamic Trust (Otsuka Masjid) No.39-No.52
Japan Islamic Trust (Otsuka Masjid) No.53-No.73
Japan Islamic Trust (Otsuka Masjid) No.74-No.99
  Islamic Cercle of Japan (Asakusa Masjid)
  Ebina Masjid

for Information 
the Japan Times Tohoku-Kanto Earthquake News
Japan earthquake how to protect yourself (translated by university students )
NHK WORLD In 17 other languages

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